Strategies for Improving the Quality of Learning in Logistics Management Subjects based on E-learning at the MICE Study Program at Politeknik Negeri Medan


  • Agus Mariani Saragih MICE Study Program, Politeknik Negeri Medan, Indonesia



This study aims to determine appropriate e-learning strategies to be used in the teaching and learning process of the Logistics Management course to improve the knowledge and skills of students in subject of Management Logistics. Researchers analyze the e-learning process in the MICE Study Program. The e-learning strategy carried out with the indicators Learning by doing, Incidental Learning, Learning by Reflection, Case-based Learning, Learning by Exploring, while to determine the Quality of Learning, the indicators used are Knowledge, Comprehension. Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation. Respondens were 35 students and 2 lecturers. Researchers also observed the results of MICE students’ Logistics Management exam for the 2018-2019 (offline learning) and students for the 2019-2020 (e-learning). The results of the study found that the use of a combination of e-learning applications Google Meet or Zoom, WhatsApp and SIPADI in the Logistics Management course is strategy or method e-learning that students improve the quality of their knowledge and skills in the Logistics Management course. This study proves that the e-learning strategy carried out by Logistics Management lecturers increases the result Logistics Management learning by 1% on average from the results Logistics Management offline learning in the classroom.  







How to Cite

Strategies for Improving the Quality of Learning in Logistics Management Subjects based on E-learning at the MICE Study Program at Politeknik Negeri Medan. (2024). International Journal of Religion, 5(8), 362-370.