Psychometric Properties of the General Self-Esteem Test (GSET) in Peruvian Teenagers’ students from Lima
Saving Self-esteem, Psychometric properties, Validity, Reliability, ScaleAbstract
The psychometric properties of the General Self-Esteem Test (GSET) have been investigated in Peruvian teenagers’ students from Lima. For this, 1,392 participants of both sexes, with ages ranging from 12 to 18 years, took the test. The results have shown that statistically the items meet the necessary values to be accepted. Likewise, the validity of the structure assigned to the original four-domain model has been optimally accepted since the CFA determined the following: CFI=.99; TLI=.99; GFI=1.00, PFGI=.70; RMSEA=.025; SRMR=.030. On the other hand, with respect to reliability, two formulas were worked on (split half and KR20), obtaining in both cases a coefficient of .89, which is considered very high reliability. Finally, a single scale has been developed, without differentiating by sex, with the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles, because the study of significant differences shows a small size in the magnitude of the effect.

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