The Influence of Self-Efficacy on Organizational Commitment Has an Impact on Teacher Performance in Elementary Schools in Mataram City
self-Efficacy, Organizational Commitment, Teacher PerformanceAbstract
Teachers make an important contribution to educational success, which is realized through learning. The quality of education is closely related to teacherxperformance. This researchxaims to examine and explain the influence of.self-efficacy on organizational commitment and its impact on teacher performance. The research subjects were 1,977 elementarysxchoolxteachers in Mataram city. The method for determining the sample was the proportional random sampling technique, the Krejcie and Morgan formula corrected with the Warwick and Lininge formula, obtaining 328 respondents. The questionnaire uses a 5 option. The analysis uses StructuralxEquationxModeling and PartialxLeast Squaresa(PLS-SEM) techniques. The results are; (1) self-efficacy hasxa significant directzeffect on organizational commitmentzas evidencedzby the T-Statistics value being 7.317 andzP-values.0.000 (2) self-efficacy has a significant directzeffect on teacherzperformance as evidenced by the T-Statistics value being 5.640 and sig 0.007 (3) organizationalxcommitment has a significant direct effect on teacherzperformance as evidenced by the T-Statistics value being 2.912 and sig 0.019 (4) self-efficacy has a significant indirectxeffect on teacher performance through organizationalzcommitment as.evidenced by the T-Statistics being 2.257 and sig 0.024. Research findings show that self-efficacy and organizationalxcommitment have a significant effect on teacherxperformance. Thus, it is recommended to apply self-efficacyxand organizationalxcommitment to improve teacherxperformance.
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