Estimating the Extent of Water Erosion in Darbandikhan Lake Using a Model Gavrilović Method (EPM) (Erosion Potential Method)
Erosion, Model, Gavrilović, Risks, Darbandikhan LakeAbstract
Through the research, it became evident that the soil erosion protection index (Xa) in the very severe category appears to correlate with the spatial distribution of vegetation cover. It covers an area of 80.73 km2, accounting for 17.54%. However, the very weak category is among the weakest in soil protection, occupying areas characterized by water bodies, covering an area of 49.65 km2, or 10.79%. The probability erosion coefficient (Z) indicates a very weak probability of erosion, covering an area of 143.19 km2, or 31.11%. Thes means that 31.11% of the total study area of 460.21 km2 is subject to very weak erosion. The last category, very severe potential erosion, is the least extensive, covering an area of 21.06 km 2, or 4.58%. Regarding the amount of soil lost in the study area, apparent erosion ranges from 0.29 to 50 m3/km2/year. This category is prevalent in the northeastern and northwestern parts, with a clear concentration in the northern parts, covering an area of 35.04 km2, or 7.61%. Severe erosion ranges from 501 to 1500 m3/km2/year, making it the least extensive category in the region, covering the smallest area among the categories, at 19.92 km2, or 4.33%.

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