Addressing Maternal Perinatal Mortality: State Responsibility in Primary Health Care in Perú


  • Gennma Lucila Flores-Yallico Unidad de Cuidados Críticos, Hospital Departamental de Huancavelica, Perú
  • Geraldine Amelia Avila-Sánchez Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Flor de María Sánchez-Aguirre Universidad César Vallejo. Lima, Perú
  • Lida Vásquez-Pajuelo Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Lima, Perú
  • Gliria Susana Méndez-Ilizarbe Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Elba María Andrade-Díaz Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Lima, Perú
  • Jhonny Richard Rodriguez-Barboza Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú



Primary Health Care (PHC), Maternal and Perinatal Mortality, Health Inequalities, Access to Health Services, Public Health Policies


Using data from the Comprehensive Health Insurance, this study examined Primary Health Care (PHC) and disparities in maternal-perinatal health in Peru. Its primary goal was to assess how PHC affected the decline in high and persistent maternal and perinatal mortality. The investigation also encompassed regional inequities and unequal access to health services. The study used a technique that integrated a qualitative approach, a review of scientific literature, and data analysis. It made clear how crucial it is to address inequality characteristics such as sociocultural accessibility, geographic, and economic in order to enhance care in the nation. The findings demonstrate the necessity of resolving these disparities in order to improve prenatal and maternal care. The present study offers a robust basis for subsequent inquiries and the development of evidence-based health policies. The Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables (2021) recommended changes in health policy, which this study supports in order to enhance the health of vulnerable people and reduce inequities in access to maternal-perinatal care. The study also highlights the critical necessity of PHC in Peru. Its primary contributions are to deepen our understanding of disparities in obstetric treatment and to set the stage for future studies and national health policy.







How to Cite

Addressing Maternal Perinatal Mortality: State Responsibility in Primary Health Care in Perú. (2024). International Journal of Religion, 5(10), 412-423.

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